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In press

Givati, Y. (in press). Legal institutions and social values: Theory and evidence from plea bargaining regimes.Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 11.

Erev, I., Haruvy, E. (in press). Learning and the economics of small decisions. Invited chapter submitted to Kagel, J.H. and Roth, A.E. (Eds.), The Handbook of Experimental Economics, Princeton University Press.

Dall, S., Gosling, S., Brown, G., Dingemanse, N., Erev, I., Kocher, M., Leimar, O., Schulz, L. Todd, P. M., Weissing, F. J., and Wolf, M. (in press). Variation in decision making. Ernst Strüngmann Forum on Evolving the Mechanisms of Decision Making: Toward a Darwinian Decision Theory.

Teichman, D., & Zamir, E. (in press). Empirical legal studies - A critical overview. Mishpatim- The Hebrew University Law Review. [In Hebrew]

Yechiam, E., & Agay, N. (in press). Methylphenidate and cognitive performance. In V.R. Preedy (Ed.), The neuropathology of drug addictions and substance misuse 2: Recreational substances/stimulants, club and dissociative drugs, hallucinogens, and inhalants. Academic press.

Yechiam, E., Zahavi, G., & Arditi, E. (in press). Loss restlessness and gain calmness: Durable effects of losses and gains on choice switching. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review.

Weinshall-Margel, K., & Shamir, M. (in press). Constitutional Restrictions on the Right to Be Elected - A Case Study of Cross-Institutional Dynamics. In Shamir (Ed.), Elections in Israel - 2012.

Zamir, E., & Teichman, D. (in press). Behavioral analysis of judicial decision making: Achievements and Challenges. Law & Business.